The heat treatment of heat exchangers is definitely the activity in which Trater has developed the most experience, and is able today to support the Customer in this complex process. The treatment of heat exchangers is complex due to the combination of metallurgical and thermodynamical problems and in general for the geometrical complexity of the items. Furthermore, the use of more and more performing materials, but difficult to be treated and with specific corrosion resistance, mechanical and creep characteristics, makes it necessary to face the heating of exchangers paying the highest attention and commitment, managing the work just after an in-depth engineering and metallurgical study.
A badly performed treatment, applying wrong methods and without an efficient temperature control on the entire item, can bring to macroscopic geometrical deformations (bending of the tubes, deformation of the sheets, screwing and flexion of the tube), breaks of the of the tubes-to-sheet/s welds, and even though not immediately detectable, it can generate a tensile stress state in correspondence of specific geometries of the items (tubesheets, welds between tubes and tubesheets, sections of the tubes) with a sufficient high value to expose the item to phenomena of stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement, in particular operative conditions. Insufficient temperatures can bring to an incomplete tempering of the welds and the insufficient relieving of the residual stress state during the welding processes, calandering or mechanical preliminar workmachining, making the joints weak, reducing the resistance to creep of the material and exposing the item to the previously mentioned phenomena of stress corrosion cracking. Furthermore, the consequences of oxidative processes on the surface of the tubes (internal and external) are not to be underestimated due to the influence in operation of the exchanger (pollution of the process products and reduction of the thermal exchange) and due to the generation of exothermal heat, proper of oxidation phenomena.
In Trater the suitable soaking temperatures are adopted for each type of material, in order to obtain its best stress relieving avoiding the reduction of its mechanical characteristics. As already known, indeed, in all materials, when temperature increases, the phenomena of atomical diffusion due to recrystallization, and the carbides precipitation are very accelerated and, in general, involve microstructural variations that can change the behaviour during service of the material.
For example:
- For manganese carbon steels (C max 0,24% – Mn 1,7% max) a stress relieving and PWHT temperature between 550°C and 630°C is applicable, obtaining a good level of stress relieving and tempering of the instable structures of the heat affected zone (above all for joints with high thickness) due to transformation or carbide’s precipitation, with consequent increase of ductility and tenacity characteristics of the material and a reduction in hardness. Temperatures higher than 650°C are damaging and too long soaking times cause an excessive expansion of the carbides, at the edge of the grain.
- Microalloyed steels (provided with treatment of controlled rolling, normalizing or thermomechanics) present more complex metallurgical structures and fear the decrease of mechanical characteristics in the HAZ and base material, caused by the interaction with the supply treatment of the material.
- The quenched and tempered steels instead, can be subject to risks of evident loss of ductility or even of formation of defects, although the treatment is necessary, if at completion of the welding operations structures out of balance are still present.
- The nickel steels to be used at low temperature have a really variable behaviour in function of the chemical composition, of the manufacturing treatment and of the coupling with the filler metal; the stress relieving temperature must be object of an accurate evaluation.
- It is therefore evident that the execution of the heat treatment must be object of accurate evaluation and where applied executed with particular attention and only with the certain data for the treatment parameters in relation to soaking times and temperatures, heating and cooling rates.
- All cycles adopted in Trater are in any case agreed with the Customers and in compliance with manufacturing Codes of the vessels, and with the welding processes qualification.
Each thermal cycle is composed of three distinct stages: first heating stage; a successive soaking stage for a more or less time; a cooling stage. In each of these stages, situations able to ruin the result of the treatment or the integrity of the processed item being can occur.
Even the dimensions and the weight of the items influence in a significant way the execution and the result of an heat treatment:
- items with high weight are difficult to be heated up and above all to be cooled down.
- items with big dimensions need big treatment plants, opportunely dimensioned so that the item is correctly positioned inside them.
Trater, provided with big plants and suitable heating and cooling equipment can treat pressure vessels with dimensions up to 30 meters of length and weights up to 300 tons.
The most valid method to control and measure temperature during heat treatments performed in the oven is based on the use of thermocouples. Other systems, surely valid for other processes, can easily introduce detection errors of sufficiently high entity to undermine the result of the same treatment. For example, it is scarcely indicated, the measurement through infra-red measurement devices due to problems connected with the reflectivity of the treated materials, depending on the surface conditions of the item, changeable during the thermal cycle.
Various kinds of thermocouples can be used that differ one another for their geometry, temperature of use, and method of fixing to the items. The choice of the correct typology according to the kind of heat treatment that will be executed, the correct application of the sensors, the quality of the material used and the quality of all the elements in the measurement chain are fundamental to avoid false signals that would bring to heat treatment execution errors, undermining the quality and the life time of the components undergoing treatment.
For further details please refer to the specific paragraph in the section “Engineering Company”.
Heat treatment of pressure vessels for the energy and the mining industry.
- tempering of the zones of welds with major hardness with microstructural transformations, improving the tenacity and ductility of the material;
- a decrease, through diffusion, of the hydrogen content
- a reduction of the residual stresses, that as previously stated, should be estimated and subtracted from the admissible load of the joint.
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Quality control – The inspections after the heat treatment
At the end of the treatment, in some cases, before the execution of the treatment, the Quality Control department executes a series of inspections on the items. Such inspections aim to establish if the treatment has reached the purposes for which it has been performed and, therefore, they are executed with methods that are considered more suitable for this goal.
The following inspections are executed: • inspections of documental type • inspections on the items
Except when differently agreed or in the case of the application of reference procedures or specifications of the Customer, in Trater, to execute an efficient detection of the hardnesses the following is individuated:
- for the joints, the different procedures adopted in the welding processes;
- for the base material, the components of the item with different supply state (laminated, forged, casted or previously heat treated).
Furthermore, as far as the item is concerned the following is identified:
- the most significant zones related to the geometry of the item and its position into the oven;
- the surfaces into contact with the liquids or aggressive gases.
The hardness tests are executed on the weld seams, in the heat-altered zone and base material of each process and state of supply. The number is established according to the dimension of the item and is representative of the various zones of the item with at least n°1 detection on its highest thickness, n°1 detection on its minimum thickness and n°1 detection on its superior and inferior part, in relationship with its positioning into the oven, for each material, supply state and procedure. In case of simultaneous heat treatment of more items, the detection points are divided on more items with the same characteristics. The equipment to be used are calibrated and adequate to execute the detections, in relation to the geometry of the item and the welds to be measured. For the alloy and the low-alloy steels, used in the manufacturing of pressure vessels, after heat treatment, the admissible hardness values vary in relationship with the materials, in a field included between 200–250HB, whereas for carbon steels used for the construction of items subject to corrosive attack and Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC), the maximum hardness value acceptable is 200HB.
More than 50 employees work in Trater. The core of the company is the technical office with 12 persons among specialists, engineers and quality operators. A department of 9 persons, divided into three shifts, which operate 24 hours a day, handles exclusively with the surveillance of the thermal cycles. The operators are instructed during specific courses of metallurgy, welding technologies, modelling thermal systems, combustion systems, electrotechnics and measurements; they attend a continuous training and updating program. Each team is formed by a specialist in electrotechnics/informatics, an electrician and a mechanical, to solve quickly all the possible anomalies of the 12 plants.
Interacting with the automatic systems of the ovens the treatment operators act on the planning of the equipment to optimize the treatment parameters, control constantly that all items reach the soaking temperature and remain in temperature for the time prescribed, in all of their parts. The automotion installed on the plants during the last few years has surely caused an increase in quality of the executed treatment, but if there is not personnel present 24 hours a day, it is not possible to ensure that all the items and the various parts of the same reach, uniformly, the soaking temperature prescribed and cool down with the methods necessary not to cause new residual stresses.
The automatic systems start counting the soaking time when the oven air has reached the desired temperature, but in that moment the temperature of the items with higher thicknesses is surely far from that value and probably, it will not even reach that value before the start of cooling down. Moreover, there are no automatic ovens able to automatically set up the heating and cooling rate, in function of the behaviour of the load, or to discriminate wrong temperature measurements and take immediate action in case of failure.
In a world where the performance and accuracy requests of the manufactured machineries and plants are higher and higher, it is important that the customers can count on a structured and reliable supplier like Trater, which has personnel and means to perform at best thermal cycles.
PWHT – Post Weld Heat treatment on alloy steels and low alloy steels Stress relieving heat treatment of bodies with overlays (valves and parts).
Alloy steels and low alloy steels are used in the construction of items and components subject, in operation, to high mechanical stresses at high temperature. The presence in these materials of alloy percentages such as molybdenum (0.5-1.15%) increases the heat resistance, whereas Chromium (0.5% - 10%) gives greater resistance to oxidation at high temperature. For pressure vessels, for this type of use, the following steels are usually used, defined by ASTM and ASME Standards or equivalent Standards and state of supply (sheets - tubes – forged materials):
- ASTM / ASME SA387 Grade 12 Class 2 (13CrMo 4-5) – composition 1% of Chromium – 1/2% of Molybdenum – working temperature effective up to 560°C
- ASTM / ASME SA387 Grade 11 Class 2 – composition 1.25% of Chromium -1/2% of Molybdenum – working temperature effective up to 575°C
- ASTM / ASME SA387 Grade 22 Class 2 – (10CrMo 9-10) – composition 2.25% of Chromium – 1% of Molybdenum – working temperature effective up to 600°C ASTM / ASME A387 Grade 5 Class 2 – composition 5% of Chromium – 1/2% Molybdenum
Also the following steels are subject to treatment:
- ASTM / ASME A / SA832-22V with composition 2¼Cr -1Mo ¼ V, used in thick layers, with particular hardness requirements, high toughness and heat resistance;
- ASTM / ASME A387 Grade 9 -91 Class 2 – composition 7.9-9.6 % of Chromium – 0.85-1 % of Molybdenum, with high resistance characteristics to creep which make these steels optimal for energy production plants and good resistance to the acid attack.
On low alloy steels and alloy steels Trater normally performs normalizing and tempering treatments to obtain the required final mechanical properties and PWHT or stress relieving treatments after welding.
PWHT (Post Weld Heat Treatment) is a treatment to performed on welded structures with the aim to temper the zones of the welds with the highest hardness through microstructural transformations of diffusion and to improve toughness and ductility, obtaining at the same time a reduction in the hydrogen content. At the normally adopted temperatures, included between 630°C and 750°C, a strong decrease of the residual stress state (relieving) occurs, with an improvement of the material’s resistance to phenomena of stress corrosion cracking, when existing in operation.
The soaking time, into the soaking phases of the thermal cycle, must be the minimum one in order to get the maximum benefit in the welds, whereas the temperature must be lower than the one at which the base material has been previously tempered.
For Chromium-Molybdenum-Niobium-Vanadium steels and for Grade 9 and 91 steels, the soaking time and, above all, the PWHT temperature are important factors; a few degrees of difference from the prescribed range can lead to considerable problems to the material. Also in this case, as for all treatments, it is essential that the execution of the work is entrusted to competent companies; Trater can meet all of customer’s requests, with adequate ovens, equipment and knowledge needed to perform these thermal cycles.
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Dry-out of refractory materials
Often due to transportation, corrosion, freezing problems, or because the items works with different fluids from water (for example diathermic oil not to be polluted) it is required that, after the hydraulic test, before transporting and/or putting into operation, the items are completely dried out. If all the parts of the items are accessible, the classical aspiration systems or compressed air can be used. When the geometries are complex and closed, it is possible to completely remove the liquids only by evaporation, also at relatively low temperatures, so that possible gaskets normally supplied with the items are not damaged. A complete drying of the item can be ensured only through a careful temperatures’ control, obtainable only by positioning a suitable number of thermocouples in all of the critical points of the items and by applying particular ventilation techniques to the closed chamber, introducing the same item into ovens suitably equipped and dedicated to this kind of operation. Trater has designed procedures and equipment able to detect the presence of water during and after treatment and, at the end of the thermal cycle, an analytical certificate is issued stating the successful result of the drying. The availability in TRATER of a high number of plants and their dimensions enables us to execute these cycles, of the duration also of many hours, in reasonably fast time, in relationship with the dimensions and the geometrical complexity of the items, on the basis of a good planning with the Customer and in order to ensure the requested quality for this kind of work. Trater furthermore makes its spaces available to complete the mounting of items after treatment and tests.
During the Nineties, Trater has studied and designed technology for drying and refractory sintering of items provided with linings by inflating hot air, at controlled temperature and volume; this is an alternative to the method still used by other companies based on the heating through free-flame burners inserted into the items. By using big quantities of gas inflated inside the items, our technology grants the temperature uniformity inside the bodies and the forced removal of water vapour, instead of the classical heat stratification that occurs with burners operating directly inside the items.
Through this technique, a uniform drying of the refractory material is possible and its complete sintering, in the correct period of times and with inferior generation of stress in the material during the treatment. With burners, instead, during the thermal cycle there are, in relation to the single heating and soaking phases, strong differences in temperature due to the stratification of heat, at the direct contact of the flame with the refractory material and to irradiation phenomena, due to which just the upper part of the item dries correctly up, whereas the part directly hit by the flame abundantly exceeds the temperature requested by the process.
Trater is provided with mobile equipment for the execution of this kind of treatments able to operate up to 1200°C, with hot gases capacities over 20 thousand cubic metre/hour, and executes works directly on site and in the plants of our customers.
Also for this kind of work process it is necessary a careful monitoring of temperatures that we perform through special thermocouples, subject to periodical calibration, positioned into contact with the refractory material, above all in the most critical points (nozzles, zones far from the flows, lower zones, etc…), to ensure our dear Customers with the maximum quality of treatment. For the entire duration of the thermal cycles, our specialized personnel monitors the ongoing process 24 hours a day.
For the quality requested also for this kind of treatment, it is necessary that our customers can count on a structured and trustworthy supplier as Trater, which has personnel and means available to perform at best the thermal cycles and deliver items always correctly treated.
Localized heat treatments

Partial treatment in the oven
There is often a need to treat only specific parts of pressure vessels. Frequent cases are:
- the tubes-to-sheets welds of the tube bundles;
- the heat exchangers in the channels’ part only,
- including the weld to the shell;
- the heads of the cylindrical bodies, including the weld with the shell;
- the only curved part of the tube bundles.
Partially inserting the vessels into the oven is a valid alternative solution, in some situations, to local treatment with electrical resistances. However, an in-depth study of each case is essential and the execution methods must be decided taking into account the problems typically connected with the inevitable temperature differences that are determined in the partial heating mentioned previously. An effective and accurate control and measurement of the temperature, using thermocouples positioned in direct contact with the item in the most critical points, is necessary to achieve the goals of the treatment (relieving of residual stresses and tempering).
Partial treatment of heat exchangers is not recommended
Trater does not recommend treating heat exchangers with resistive elements. The problems are:
- Heat treatment of circumferential welds between tube sheet and shell: it is not possible to place resistive elements in the shell side circuit. The weld would reach the PWHT temperature only on the surface the skin (cold tube sheet and shell would continue to remove heat from the core of the weld) and the innermost area of the exchanger would remain untempered (with less resilience) and with higher hardness, creating a “corridor of concentration of the efforts”.
- Heat treatment of tube-to-sheet welds: to heat these welds, it is necessary that the entire tube sheet gets heated, otherwise carrying out the treatment would be equivalent to making a “hot zone” to the part of the sheet affected by the tubes, therefore tracing the forced material from the cold suburbs.
Once the metal has been plasticised, when it becomes cold again, there would be a lack of material, so the area of the tubes would remain under tensile stress, which would be deleterious due to the phenomenon of stress corrosion cracking or the propagation of hydrogen cracks. Each tensile state speeds up crack propagation. In order for the tube sheet to expand, it is necessary that the channels and the shell also expand in the same way, at least in the closest area. To heat such a large portion of material, therefore at least partial treatment in the oven becomes essential. In this way there is also the advantage of being able to also control the expansion of the shell which must be equal to that of the tubes; in localized treatments of tube-to-sheet welds, however, the tubes partially heat up (expand) remaining forced between the length of the shell which remains cold. The upsetting of the tube-to-sheet welds (therefore residual traction at the end of the treatment which is deleterious due to the phenomenon of stress corrosion cracking) is inevitable and certainly shortens the life of the component (tubes frequently need to be closed, each time decreasing the performance of the plant, to the point of having to replace the exchanger). The flexibility during the construction of the vessels offered by localized heat treatments is certainly paid for by the end user.
Outgassing (hydrogen bake-out) heat treatments of operated elements
In case of welds and base materials exposed to the presence of hydrogen or hydrogen containing substances, a periodic execution of outgassing operations is necessary before reparations or replacements through welding, in order to enhance the diffusion of hydrogen and minimize the risks of cracks during the interventions. The treatments can last several days depending on the thickness. Stress relieving heat treatments before exercise also help mitigate the effects; any residual traction states after welding certainly help the spread of cracks of any kind, from those due to stress corrosion cracking to HIC cracks due to hydrogen embrittlement.
PWHT to reduce the levels of hydrogen
Negli acciai bassolegati il PWHT produce l’eliminazione dell’idrogeno introdotto durante la saldatura dei giunti, riducendo così il rischio di cricche a freddo. Quando c’è il rischio che le cricche si aprano prima ancora che inizi il PWHT, è conveniente fare un post riscaldo di qualche ora a circa 300°C, utilizzando le stesse attrezzature del preriscaldo. Per non degradare le caratteristiche del materiale base degli acciai bassolegati e per avere un sufficiente PWHT è fondamentale controllare al meglio le temperature di trattamento termico.
Qualifiche della Trater
Tutte le attività sono svolte in conformità al nostro manuale “Manual of Quality Assurance”, certificato in accordo TUV AD 2000 – Merkblatt W 0 / TRD 2100, HP0. Dispone di personale qualificato fino al massimo livello (comprehensive) nei corsi EWF: “Personnel with the Responsibility for Heat Treatment of Welded Joints Doc.EWF 628-08”. E’ importante che i nostri clienti possano contare su un fornitore strutturato e affidabile come Trater, che ha a disposizione personale e mezzi per eseguire al meglio i cicli termici, e fornire pezzi sempre correttamente trattati.